Biosafety level 3 laboratory (L3)

Nantes University will soon be hosting a new core-facility : the biosafety level 3 laboratory. SFR-santé Bonamy is driving this project dedicated to fulfill the needs of the local academic community. The facility could also provide access for broader academic and industrial research needs on demand. The aim of this new core-facility is to provide a state-of-the art laboratory complying with all the legal requirements associated with this highly specialised activity domain.

What is a level 3 biosafety laboratory ?

Biocontainment laboratory are designed to host manipulations of micro-organisms and genetically modified organisms. Biosafety level 3 is appropriate for work involving bacteria, viruses or toxins which can cause serious and potentially lethal disease and thereore comply with internationnal regulations and european directives (2000/54/CE, 2009/41/CE)  

Mis à jour le 13 août 2024.